
Our mission

Our goal is to ignite constructive conversation on Canada’s national economy and public policy, anchored in the world where business intersects with politics. We provide a respectful forum to welcome ideas from all corners to drive solutions-based discussion. We live where business acumen meets political smarts, and welcome input and perspectives from all regions, ages and backgrounds.

We inform

We provide the latest in political, economics and business news, as well as original analysis and insight. We take deep dives into the world where business intersects with politics - offering fresh takes on policies that affect consumers, business and the national economy.

We engage

We invite and inspire the open exchange of ideas and provide a respectful forum for discussion through our platform, newsletter, workshops, panels and roundtables.

We entertain

We work hard and think hard, but we also embrace the lighter side of things. We’ll bring you information and ideas to uplift and invite you to see things a little differently. 

Our team

Picture of Theo Argitis

Theo Argitis


As former Ottawa Bureau Chief for Bloomberg News, Argitis brings a deep understanding of the strategic implications of the politics and policies shaping future economic and business conditions. Born in Athens and raised in Montreal, he graduated from McGill University and holds a Masters degree in economics from the University of Toronto.

Picture of Bea Vongdouangchanh

Bea Vongdouangchanh

Operations director

Vongdouangchanh has more than a decade of experience covering politics and public policy as an award-winning former parliamentary journalist for The Hill Times. She also served as The Hill Times’ online editor and the editor of Power & Influence magazine, where she was responsible for digital growth. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in political science and a Master of Journalism from Carleton University and is also a graduate of the University of King’s College’s Bachelor of Journalism program.

Advertising opportunities

We provide many advertising opportunities and space for sponsored content that meet our standards. Written material can be submitted or be crafted by a team member. Means & Ways has the right to edit or decline to publish content.

Please contact us at advertising@meansandways.ca for more details.