Canadians unconvinced capital gains tax will make life more affordable: Angus Reid


One in five Canadians believes their disposable income will drop as a result of changes to federal capital gains tax legislation, according to a poll by the Angus Reid Institute. 

The federal finance department said this month the capital gains inclusion rate will be increased from one-half to two-thirds for capital gains of over $250,000 a year for Canadians, and on all capital gains for corporations and most types of trusts. The Angus Reid survey, released June 19, found young Canadians are the least likely to be aware of the changes. 

"People in this country – and critically – the young people Liberals desperately need to woo back from the Conservatives and NDP – aren’t convinced an increase in the capital gains tax will make their lives more affordable or their opportunities more equitable," the non-profit organization said in the report. 

The Conservative lead in voter intention widened over the past three months, with the opposition party holding the support of 42 per cent of Canadians, versus 21 per cent for the Liberals and 20 per cent for the New Democratic Party, the institute said.

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Theophilos (Theo) Argitis

As former Ottawa Bureau Chief for Bloomberg News, Argitis brings a deep understanding of the strategic implications of the politics and policies shaping future economic and business conditions. Born in Athens and raised in Montreal, he graduated from McGill University and holds a Masters degree in economics from the University of Toronto.


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